I dropped my two older daughters off at school and was going back home with my youngest daughter. There is this long, straight, flat stretch of road on the top of a hill. At the end of that stretch the road goes sharply down, though still straight. About 500 feet down from the top of the hill is a left-hand turn, the first left, the road I take to go home. That morning, I went from the flat part of the road into the down-hill stretch. For a moment I got distracted and looked up to see that I was passing by my turn. Upset with myself for missing the turn, I resolved to take the next left, about another 1,000 feet down the road, though it wasn’t my preferred way home. Heading further down the hill I noticed that, ahead of me, was the turn that I had just missed. Only this time I made the turn. Even though this happened a year ago, you’re the first person I’ve told this story to. I didn’t want people to think I was crazy.

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